1. 提交截止日期 Submission deadline
2024年4月15日(April 15, 2024)
2. 语言与形式 Languages
English (font size 12, Times New Roman) or Chinese (with English title). English is required for those who want to enter for Student Presentation Award competitions.
3. 英文摘要格式 English Format
u 题目:摘要题目应简洁并反映主要研究内容
u Title:The abstract should have an informative and concise title in sentence case.
u 作者及单位:列出所有作者及所属单位,并用粗体列出演讲作者。
u Authors & affiliations:List all authors and their institutions, with the presenting author's name in bold.
u 摘要格式:摘要可用记叙文格式,内容须含括简介,方法,结果,讨论和结论。摘要可为整段描述,或分为几段叙述。摘要主体(不包括题目,作者和单位)限于400 英文字或2500 英文字符之内。摘要可列引用文章,但须计入所限字数。
u Layout:The abstract should be written in narrative form, and the body text should include brief introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. The abstract can be either a single paragraph or divided into subsections. There is a limit of 400 words or 2,500 characters (including spaces) for the abstract body text.Title, authors, and institutions will not be counted. The abstract may include references to support the content; such references are included in the word/character count.
u 摘要内容:摘要须反映有关兽医实验室诊断科学的内容,不应包括临床诊断工具,例如放射学,MRI 和超声波等工具的应用。
u Content:The content must pertain to any topic of veterinary laboratory diagnostic science, excluding clinical diagnostic tools such as imaging (radiology, MRI, ultrasound). The abstract must be able to stand alone and provide readers with enough information to assess scientific soundness of the work and its relevance to veterinary diagnostic science.
4. 中文摘要格式 Chinese format
中文摘要可基本参照英文格式。中文摘要不受字数限制,但所有内容,包括题目,作者,单位和摘要主题,不得超出一页 B5 格式打印纸。
Abstracts in Chinese shall follow the same general layout as described above, except that the word and character limits do not apply. However, the abstract length should be limited to one page in B5 paper format.
5. 摘要提交方式 How to submit
请按类型填写(请勿手写)此征集表格,并将摘要黏贴至下一页。如提交多个摘要,请以投稿人“名-姓(拼音)+#(序号)” 格式命名此表格文件, 例如: “Jianfa-Bai-1”后打包为zip并投稿至: https://s.31url.cn/jvCOeA9G。每个摘要请单独使用一张表格。摘要格式请参考会议网站上的摘要样板:http://w4dd4-3869-cn.htx.cc/download?id=344011。摘要要求完整,包括标题、作者、机构、正文。请勿修改此表。
Please type-fill (do not hand-write) this abstract submission form and insert your abstract in the 2nd page of this form. Name the file with “1st name-last name”; for multiple submissions, please list the number of your submission after your last name, e.g., “Jianfa-Bai-3”, and submit the form to https://s.31url.cn/jvCOeA9G. For multiple submissions, please use one form for each abstract. Please do not modify this form. Refer to: http://www.avdc-china.com/cnt_179.html for more information.
6. 摘要评审通知 Abstract review and Notification
所有提交摘要均须经过大会组委会评审。评审结果包括口头报告或墙报的确定,将于 2024 年 5 月 15日前与摘要提交人确认。所有通过审核的摘要将被录入大会会议论文集。
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Organizing Committee and submitters notified on their acceptability as oral or poster presentations by May 15, 2024. Although submitters may indicate a preference for presentation format, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to assign abstracts to either oral or poster presentation format. Accepted abstracts will be entered into the conference proceedings.
7. 学生报告奖项 Student presentation awards
Registered student presenters are eligible for student presentation awards. Detailed requirement and selection criteria will be announced at a later date.
摘要样本 For sample abstracts:
8. 友情提示
摘要通过审核并不代表将免除注册费用(学生除外,学生报告人可持有效学生证免费注册)。所有报告人仍须注册后才可参会。请访问 www.avdc-china.com 以获得更多信息。
Abstract acceptance does NOT include conference registration (except for student presenters who will be given complimentary registration upon presentation of a valid student ID). All presenters will need to register for the conference. Please visit www.avdc-china.com for more details.